Indeed Job Search

Photography Jobs:

  1. Forensic photographer
  2. Nature Photography
  3. Sports photographer
  4. Scientific photographer
  5. Medical photographer

Photography Jobs Questions :

Do you meet the qualifications for the job? I believe I partially meet the qualifications for these jobs.

What skills would you need to get the job? I would need to know how to use the cameras and knowledge on that subject as well.

Why would you want to have this job? It is interesting and thrilling to be able to be a forensic photographer.

What is the starting pay for the job? $52,024

Would you be able to support yourself if you worked at this job? Yes, I would be able to support myself and possible be ahead and thriving.

Create a list of expenses you would have if you have if you lived on your own and worked at this job? I would have to pay for my bills, my car, food, clothing, and any other basic human necessities.

What are your actual career goals for your future? My actual career goals is to become a child protective social worker.

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