Take a Vacation

I would like to go to Peru because of it’s culture. I would like to learn about it and their cultural foods and traditions. Peru is a beautiful country.

External Flash Worksheet

1-When would you use external flash?

When you want to fill in shadows or add light to your subject in a dark or low-light setting, or typically outside on sunny days.

2-Do you need to meter the light if you use flash?

No, you don’t need a need to meter the light.

3-What does flash synchronization mean?

Flash synchronization is the matching of the flash firing with the shutter opening in a camera.

4-What does ETTL mean?

Evaluative through the lens

5-What will happen when you shoot faster than the camera sync speed?

Black bands are the result of your shutter curtain blocking a part of the image during the exposure. This is what happens when you use shutter speeds higher than the sync speed.

6-Why do photographers bounce the flash and use a diffuser?

Bounce flash diffusers provide a different approach to softening the light. Instead of shooting the strobe forward towards the subject, they “bounce” the light away from the scene.

7– What is a slave?

Slave mode is mode that instructs a flash unit to monitor incoming light, and fire when it senses the light produced by another flash unit firing.

8-What should you do if your image comes out too dark or too light?

Lower the ISO ISO determines the sensitivity of the camera sensor, narrow the aperture The aperture is the hole in your lens that lets in light, or use a faster shutter speed Your shutter speed determines how long the sensor is exposed to light.

Critique: Portraits w/ strobes and gels

The subject is very concentrated on what she was looking at. The split gel colors are very appealing to see. The contrast and lighting is split evenly so the photo doesn’t look blotchy or uneven. The blue gel goes very well with the mood and subject’s expressions. The subject seems to fit in very well with the scenery and not seem like an outcast or the background being in more focused than the subject.